I feel that a lot of young people are walking around with no idea why they are doing what they are doing. I mean, wanting, being ambitious, and wanting to succeed is not enough.
That's all I want. to know what you want. to understand why you are doing this. to dedicate every breath of your body To receive... if you feel you have something to give. If you feel that your special abilities are worth developing, you can.
Then there is nothing you cannot achieve. Trust yourself. What I mean by this is that you have to dig deep and ask yourself,
"Who do you want to be?"
and what makes you happy. It doesn't matter how crazy it sounds to people. Let's trust ourselves, no matter how or what anyone else thinks. But I have something else to worry about. Something has burned so much that I want to be different. I was determined to be unique.
I was inspired to think big and dream big. and because anyone who never does is breaking the rules. There are so many rules about everything in our lives that I say break the rules—not the rules, break the rules. You have to think outside the box.
I believe that what's the point of being on this earth if all you want to do is please everyone and avoid trouble.
You never hear that you can't do something. Don't be afraid to fail. I was always ready to fail at anything I tried. You may not always win, but don't be afraid to make decisions. You can't be paralyzed by failure, or you'll never push yourself. You keep pushing because you believe in yourself and your vision.
And you know it's the right thing to do, and success will come, so don't be afraid to fail. This is it. This is it. I'm gonna do it! It is very easy to listen to me. Muscle. Memory. It means repetition. You do it over and over again. I tried it several times, failed, and came back.
I failed and came back, okay?
Okay fine? Then I went for a couple of feet that I failed at. That is why you are not succeeding. You keep stopping and starting and stopping, and starting and stopping and starting. Listen to me; I'm telling you to stop.
But I'm saying with a movement that after twenty-one days you fall, you come right back; don't stop for a week, don't stop for a month, don't stop for a year. If you fail a class, you go right back and retake it; don't stop. Don't skip school. Do not leave. Don't give up.
If you do it over and over again, muscle memory will form. As you get better and better, the motor skill goes into your brain, and you start implanting that stuff. You do it over and over again.
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